The weather conditions and the weather situation are constantly being recorded by our weather station which has been placed in a strategic position on the beach of Lignano. The sea location has a very special micro climate with sunny skies while further inland you can find cloudy or even rainy situations. In this section you can retrieve the current weather conditions in various and special ways:
The current weather situation in Lignano is also captured by our webcams, that transmit live pictures in real time from all three locations: Sabbiadoro, Pineta und Riviera.
All important data, registered by our weather station, can be analyzed due to the atmospheric evolution of the past days; this is possible thanks to the detailed graphs and tables that show the development of the atmosphere. The weekly weather forecast also shows forecasts for the coast and the sea location. Those are very accurate because they are being analyzed by the regional weather center of Friuli “OSMER FVG” , which is monitoring the weather in the region Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Do you want to see all webcams? Discover the Webcam Live
updated 0 seconds ago)
Station Online!
Temperature: | 7.4°C |
Apparent Temperature: | 4.3°C |
Humidex: | 7.4°C |
Wind chill temperature: | 6.0°C |
Sea Temperature: | 7.5°C |
Maximum | Minimum | |
Today |
8.0°C - 00:12 |
7.4°C - 01:06 |
Yesterday |
10.7°C - 11:33 |
7.9°C - 23:14 |
Monthly |
14.3°C 02/12/2024 |
2.1°C 07/12/2024 |
Yearly |
39.6°C 19/07/2024 |
0.1°C 22/01/2024 |
Temperature compared to yesterday: | Decreasing -0.8°C |
Maximum | |
Today |
8.0°C - 00:12 |
Monthly |
14.3°C - 02/12/2024 |
Yearly |
48.9°C - 14/08/2024 |
UV Index: | 0.0 |
Maximum value: | 0.0 at 00:00 |
Solar radiation: | 0 w/m2 |
Solar radiation max: | 0 W/m2 to 00:00 |
Total sun hours today: |
Wind situation: | Light breeze |
Speed: | 8.0 Km/h |
Nautic speed: | 4.3 Kts |
Direction: | 1° N (tramontana) |
Gust: | 11.3 Km/h N |
Dominant direction: | N |
Avg Speed: | 6.4 Km/h |
10 Min Avg Wind Speed: | 0.0 Km/h |
Average speed per hour: | 6.6 Km/h |
Average speed today: | 12.2 Km/h |
Max Wind Gust Today: | 24.1 Km/h 00:05 |
Humidity: | 71% |
Barometer: | 1018.9 hPa |
Barometer Trend: | Increasing values |
Dew point: | 2.5°C |
Air density: | 1.262 kg/m³ |
Maximum | Minimum | |
Humidity | 71% 00:18 | 69% 00:27 |
Cloud Level
615 mt.
Rain Today: | 0.00 mm |
Rain Rate /1h: | 0.00 mm/h |
Maximum rain intensity: | 0.00 mm/h ----- |
Rain last hour:: | 0.00 mm |
Rain last 24h: | 0.00 mm |
Total in December: | 0.00 mm |
20 day since last rain. |
Sunrise: | 07:39 | |
Sunset: | 16:24 | |
The day is 08:45 hours long | ||
Sunrise: | 13:33 | |
Moonset: | 02:43 |
Moon Phase at ᵗʰ day
Weather station installation: march 2022
Our service Meteo Live is unique in Lignano. Thanks to our professional weather station installed at the beach, you can witness the weather conditions in Lignano in real time. You can find up-dated data including graphs and tables approximately every five seconds.
These details get you informed on the current weather and the the atmospheric conditions of the past hours, days and months. Statistics on winds, temperatures, air pressure and humidity and many more parameters can be viewed right on this website. The data will be analyzed in order to get the best possible weather forecast for you.
Meteorological radar with real-time rainfall map on the area of Lignano Sabbiadoro and surroundings. The Doppler radar shows the value of the reflectivity or amount of rain in the clouds with colored "zones": little precipitation in blue, while more intense and dangerous in yellow/red! it is possible to see the animation and the movement of the phenomena in the last hour by pressing the play button.
Wind speed in 24h. ( km/h )
Air temperature in 24h. ( °C )
Water temperature in 24h. ( °C )
UV rays index in 24h.
Value sunrays global in the last 24h. ( W/m2 )
Humidity ( % ) | Pression in the last 24h. ( hPa )
Rain rate max. in the last 24h. ( mm/h )
Graphics Not available! No rainfall yet today!
Pm 2.5:
Pm 10:
The index bands are complemented by health related messages that provide recommendations for both the general population and sensitive populations. The latter includes both adults and children with respiratory problems and adults with heart conditions.
Air quality | General population | Sensitive populations |
Good | The air quality is good. Enjoy your usual outdoor activities | The air quality is good. Enjoy your usual outdoor activities |
Fair | Enjoy your usual outdoor activities | Enjoy your usual outdoor activities |
Moderate | Enjoy your usual outdoor activities | Consider reducing intense outdoor activities, if you experience symptoms |
Poor | Consider reducing intense activities outdoors, if you experience symptoms such as sore eyes, a cough or sore throat | Consider reducing physical activities, particularly outdoors, especially if you experience symptoms |
Very poor | Consider reducing intense activities outdoors, if you experience symptoms such as sore eyes, a cough or sore throat | Reduce physical activities, particularly outdoors, especially if you experience symptoms |
Extremely poor | Reduce physical activities outdoors | Avoid physical activities outdoors |
PM10 pollutant in the last 24h. ( µg/m³ )
PM2.5 pollutant in the last 24h. ( µg/m³ )
The depression that has affected Italy in recent days will move away towards the west, leaving room for drier north-east currents. On Saturday, a weak front with more humid air will pass over the region.
Data and forecasts by OSMER (regional meteorological observatory) Arpa FVG
General data from Italian weather server
Intensity – values from 1 to 10, indication of times of the days when it is advised against sun tanning or when you should only take sun baths using high sun screen protection.
Elevated risk for values between 6 > 7,9:
Risk factor for light skin types in the following time periods: in the morning 10.30 a.m. > 11.30 a.m. and in the afternoon 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
High risk for values between 8 > 10:
UV rays are very dangerous and can damage your skin and your health. The time periods are valid from 12 p.m. > 2.30 p.m.
Highly dangerous, forbidden phase index 11+:
Exposure with serious damages for the skin from 12:00 (noon) until 2.30 p.m.
(Clouds or cloudless skies are considered in the index calculations)