View on the historical center with hotel
View on the historical center with hotel

Lignano telephone numbers and services

Useful and important numbers in Lignano Sabbiadoro, services for tourists in the city of Lignano:

In this section you find a list of all service providers in Lignano, addresses of artisans and certified specialists, phone numbers of public and private service providers and offices in Lignano Sabbiadro and close by; many important phone numbers for tourists and locals as well as all service providers, especially those offering services during the summer season such as tourist operators and private operators.
On this web portal you find the right numbers and contacts as well as artisans and specialists to help you with your needs and solve your problems. To name just a few public service providers in Lignano Sabbiadoro, Pineta and Lignano Riviera: police "Polizia Carabinieri", city police "Vigili Urbani" and fire fighters "Vigili del fuoco."
Furthermore, you find the right contact in the health care sector such as first aid, physicians, dentists, veterinarians and pharmacies, other service providers such as taxis, cleaning companies, electricians, hydraulic companies, engineers, gas stations and repair centers for domestic appliances; services for mariners, ports for berths, planning agencies and engineers, carpenter's stores, specialists such as hair dressers, residential management firms, human resources companies, technical studios as well as computer specialists...
and much more everything sorted by category so that you can easily find the company you are looking for.

Useful telephone numbers

Physicians - health services

Municipal service numbers

Read all
List of telephone numbers of the city:

Emergency numbers

Fire fighters of Lignano Sabbiadoro

Lignano important numbers | Emergency

Carabinieri Lignano

Carabinieri "112"

Address: Viale dei platani, 74

Tel. +39 0431 720270
Fax +39 0431 71432

Police Lignano

State Police "113"

Address: Viale Europa, 98

Tel. +39 0431 721414

Fire fighters of Lignano

Firefighters "115"

Address: Viale Mezzasacca

Tel. +39 0431 71783

Revenue Guard Corps Lignano

Revenue Guard "117"

Address: Via Carso, 37

Tel. +39 0431 71436
Fax +39 0431 71432

First aid, emergency services Lignano

First Aid "118"

Address: Latisana hospital

Tel. +39 118

Port police and coast guard Lignano

Coast Guard "1530"

Address: Viale Italia, 52

Tel. +39 0431 724004
Fax +39 0431 71076

Public service providers

Post located in Lignano Sabbiadoro

Lignano public service providers | service for citizens

Tourism Agency Fvg p.i.a.t. Lignano

Agency tourism FVG

Sabb. Viale Latisana, 42
Pineta. Via dei pini, 53

Tel. +39 0431 71821
Fax +39 0431 422169

Italian post

Italian post

Sabb. Viale Gorizia, 37
Pineta. P. rosa dei venti

Tel. +39 0431 409311
Tel. +39 0431 427336

Aqueduct Cafc

Aqueduct Cafc

Via pineda, 61

Tel. +39 0431 428736
Emerg. +39 0432 987057

Enel strom service

Enel strom service


Tel. +39 800900860

Italgas Eni

Eni Italgas

Latisana, Via sottopovolo, 87

Tel. +39 118


Parking in Lignano Sabbiadoro

Lignano public transit | busses | parking

Private parking lots

Parking - "Venezia"

Via Treviso, 21

Tel. +39 0431 720086

Private parking lots

Parking - "Autoterminal"

Via Amaranto, 1

Tel. +39 0431 73594
Mob. +39 348 2245068

Private parking lots

Parking - "Lungomare Kechler"

Lungomare Kechler

Tel. +39 0431 720255

Saf busses public transit Lignano

Public transit

Viale Gorizia, 26
Via Beorchia - Latisana

Tel. +39 0431 71373
Tel. +39 0431 50220

Health services - Physicians

First aid of Lignano Sabbiadoro

Lignano health care services | Physicians

First aid Lignano

First aid

Via Tarvisio, 5/b

Tel. +39 0431 71001

Hospital in Latisana

Hospital in Latisana

Via Sabbionera 6-22h

Tel. +39 0431 529111

Medical guard

Medical for tourists

Via Tarvisio, 5/b

Tel. +39 0431 70455

Emergency unit services

Emergency unit Sogit

Lungomare Kechler, 10/a

Tel. +39 0431 423298
Tel. +39 340 0601512

Spa of Lignano

Spa Lignano

Lungomare R. Riva, 1/b

Tel. +39 0431 422217
Fax. +39 0431 428872


Aabas A.(pediatrician)

Address: Via Adriatica, 26

Tel. +39 0431 721476

Masat A.

Address: Via Asti, 6

Tel. +39 0431 721342

Neri G.

Address: Via Tirrenia, 15

Tel. +39 0431 73675

Piccolo G.

Address: Piazza Rosa dei venti, 16

Tel. +39 0431 427753

Private physicians

Peschieri R.

Address: Viale dei pioppi, 5

Tel. +39 0431 71353

Lignano Dentist

Caneva B.

Address: Viale Europa, 8

Tel. +39 0431 720221

Giordano B.

Address: Viale Europa, 25/a

Tel. +39 0431 720455

Korossoglou G.

Address: Via Padova, 12

Tel. +39 0431 721133

Scarpa G.

Address: Arco del libeccio, 5/d

Tel. +39 0431 427786

Dialysis center

Casa soggiorno "Alle Vele"

Address: Viale centrale, 29 Bella Italia

Tel. +39 0431 73561

Lignano Oculists

Fornasarig Ervino

Address: Via Roma, 55

Tel. +39 0431 423171

Lignano pharmacies, parapharmacyes

Farmacia dr. De Roia

Address: Via Tolmezzo, 3

Tel. +39 0431 71263

Succursale Farmacia dr. De Roia

Address: Viale centrale, 23/a

Tel. +39 0431 71077

Farmacia comunale

Address: Raggio dell'Ostro, 12

Tel. +39 0431 422396

Succursale farmacia comunale

Address: Via Udine, 87

Tel. +39 0431 71778

Parafarmacia Barbarotto

Address: Viale dell'Industria, 17

Tel. +39 0431 428459

Lignano Veterinarians


Address: Corso degli Alisei, 44

Tel. +39 0431 422070


Address: Viale Europa, 6

Tel. +39 348 7077960


Public Administration of Lignano Sabbiadoro

Municipality | City of Lignano Sabbiadoro

City of Lignano Sabbiadoro

Public Administration

- Offices piazza divisione Julia

Comune di Lignano telefono (Centralino) +39 0431 409190

Segreteria Sindaco  +39 0431 409153

Segreteria Generale  +39 0431 409142

Uff. Protocollo  +39 0431 409138

Anagrafe, elettorale  +39 0431 409124

Attività produttive  +39 0431 409171

Turismo sport  +39 0431 409268

Pol. giovanili, istruzione  +39 0431 409144

Messi comunali  +39 0431 409185

Ragioneria  +39 0431 409164

Economato oggetti smarriti  +39 0431 409184

Tributi  +39 0431 409164

Tributi I.C.I.  +39 0431 409145

CED  +39 0431 409148

Personale  +39 0431 409147

Personale - concorsi  +39 0431 409151

Ambiente  +39 0431 409141

Sefvizi esterni  +39 0431 409106

Lavori pubblici  +39 0431 409205

Edilizia privata  +39 0431 409150

Urbanistica  +39 0431 409100

City police of Lignano Sabbiadoro

City police

- Offices viale Europa, 98

Pronto intervento  +39 0431 73004

Centralino informazioni  +39 0431 73004

Fax  +39 0431 73522

Viabilità e traffico  +39 0431 409155

Contravvenzioni  +39 0431 409167

Annonaria  +39 0431 409163

Civic center of Lignano

Civic center for citizens

- Offices via Treviso, 2

Centralino   +39 0431 73501

Biblioteca comunale  +39 0431 409160

Fax  +39 0431 722611

Difensore civico +39 0431 720591

Schools and kindergardens

Scuola dell'infanzia

Address: Villaggio Europa, 1

+39 0431 422416

Scuola primaria

Address: Via Annia, 1

+39 0431 70433

Scuola secondaria di 1° grado

Address: Viale Europa, 98

+39 0431 71291

Asilo nido

Address: Via San Giuliano, 3

+39 0431 71291

Ufficio informagiovani

Address: Viale Europa 102,

+39 0431 409040

Various service providers

Protezione civile

Address: Via Mezzasacca, 34

+39 0431 720626

Magazzino comunale

Address: Via Mezzasacca, 34

+39 0431 409104

Servizio disinfestazione

Address: Via Lovato, 35

+39 0431 70267


Address: Viale europa, mercato

+39 0431 409111

Cimitero comunale

Address: Via Lovato

+39 0431 721316


Address: Via Lovato, 39

+39 0431 517217

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