13 June 2024

Encounters with the author and with wine

Event Culture in Lignano Pineta at Lungomare Alberto Kechler:

Also in 2024 we look forward to seeing you at the usual seasonal event which for many years has presented literary encounters between an author, her book and the public. The event, the meetings with the author and with the wine are held in the town of Lignano Pineta in the sea park a few steps from the beach. The structure is called "PalaPineta", it is a new location in the "Parco Del Mare" in which cultural and non-cultural events are held. At the end of each event it will be possible to listen to an illustration by an oenologist of the wine produced by a winery in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, and taste the wine produced by his own company.

This year the meetings with the author and with the wine take place every Thursday from June to August, respectively from 13 June to 5 September 2024.

Program Edition 2024

Appointment every Thursday at 6.30 pm at the PalaPineta in "Parco Del Mare".
On some occasions the event will be held in other venues, indicated in the calendar below.

Wineries: Consortium of D.O.C. Friuli Venezia Giulia

Thursday 13 June
Author: Various authors presentation of the book "Lignano: I'll tell you" (La Nuova Base Editrice). Giulia Rosania "Antonietta Sbaiz. Fashion, passion and courage" (GraficStyle Edizioni)
Wine: Società Agricola Colutta Giorgio (Manzano)

Thursday 20 June
Author: Caterina Bonvicini "Very very very good" (Einaudi)
Wine: the Obiz Agricultural Company (Cervignano del Friuli)

Thursday 27 June
Author: Matteo Bussola "The snow at the bottom of the sea" (Einaudi)
Wine: Tenuta Ca' Bolani (Cervignano del Friuli)

Thursday 4 July
Author: Rokia "Guilty. Drunk in love" (Magazzini Salani)
Wine: Società Agricola Butussi (Corno di Rosazzo)

Thursday 11 July
Author: Federica Manzon "Alma" (Feltrinelli)
Wine: Società Agricola Principi di Porcia e Brugnera (Azzano Decimo and Porcia)

Thursday 18 July
Author: Enea Fabris "Lignano. Trame di sabbia dorata"
Wine: Elio Vini (Cividale del Friuli)

Thursday 25 July
Author: Mauro Corona "The swings" (Mondadori)
Wine: Azienda Agricola Annalisa Zorzettig (Spessa di Cividale)

Friday 1 August
Author: Tullio Avoledo "The rain dogs" (Marsilio)
Wine: Cantina I Magredi (Domanins)

Thursday 8 August
Author: Marcello Veneziani "The necessary love" (Marsilio)
Wine: Società Agricola Jermann (Dolegna del Collio)

Thursday 15 August
Author: Alexander March the Great "The Lions of Venice" (Image Library)
Wine: Pietro Pittaro Vineyards (Codroipo)

Thursday 22 August
Author: Enrico Galiano "One life is not enough" (Garzanti)
Wine: Irene Cencig Organic Wines (Spessa di Cividale)

Friday 23 August
Author: Teatri Stabil Furlan scenic reading in Friulian "Tant che Tupamaros" by (Paolo Patui)
Wine: Albafiorita Winery (Latisana)

Thursday 29 August
Author: Carlo Cottarelli "Inside the palace. What really happens in the rooms of power" (Mondadori)
Wine: Azienda Agricola Scarbolo Sergio (Spessa di Cividale)

Thursday 5 September
Author: Toni Capuozzo "What is war" (Signs Publishing)
Wine: Cantine Marco Felluga (Russiz Superiore Gradisca d'Isonzo)

More information

Associazione Culturale Lignano nel terzo millennio
Viale a Mare, 7
Tel. 0431 422143
E-mail. info@lignanonelterzomillennio.it

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Event details

Type: Culture
Recommended to
Per Tutti, Per Adulti

Event date:

13/06/2024 | from 18:30 to about 01:00


Palapineta Lungomare Alberto Kechler


Lignano Pineta

Events Category:


Other dates:

Starts 13/06/2024 ends 05/09/2024


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    Programming Meetings with the author and with wine 2024

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Lungomare Alberto Kechler
Location » Lignano Pineta